Blood Rose Rebellion Preorders

If you have preordered Blood Rose Rebellion and are interested in a preorder gift (thank you, btw!), please send proof of the preorder to by 3/28/17 to receive a print of a map I drew, along with a signed book plate and bookmark....

Animated Cover

Just in time for New York City Comic Con, my publisher has released an an animated cover for my book! You can see instructions on how to download the app version on Random House Kids’ Instagram. Or just enjoy this:...

Machinations Release Day

Today is the release day for the debut novel of one of my writing friends! We’ve been through the trenches together–querying and submissions–and it’s so thrilling to see her dream come true! Read on to find out more about her...

Pitch Wars!

This year, the lovely Erin Summerill and I (Rosalyn Eves) are co-mentoring for Pitch Wars. This is my second year as a mentor and Erin’s first, but we are so thrilled to be working together! I’ll get to why we’re awesome in a minute. First, what...

Cover Reveal + Giveaway!

I’m giving away an ARC of BLOOD ROSE REBELLION over at Mundie Moms, as part of my cover reveal for my debut! Guys, I am so excited for this book–this is a dream that has taken years, and the cover reveal makes it that much more real. I love what Knopf has...